Prevent slipped discs by strengthening the lower back muscles
The level of tape disc pressure alone is not a criterion for the harmfulness of a load. Since investigations have shown that with less muscle tension, the vertebrae are most displaceable against each other, and that this decreases with increasing muscle tension. This means that stronger muscle tension neutralizes the dangerous shear forces in the vertebral segments and that the movable segments of the spine are better held and guided. In addition, the bending moments and shear forces are converted into axial (i.e. along the spine) loads. If, on the other hand, the muculature is weakened, undetectable bending moments acting on the spinal column can generate shear forces so that the spinal joints shift against each other and cause lasting damage to the vertebral joints and the ligamentous apparatus.
Sources: Dr. Caimi, Tonus No. 6 1999
See: / Deutschte Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin No. 4/2001
In other words: a strong abdominal and back musculature protects the spine and can ensure that the intervertebral discs are predominantly stressed under pressure, a type of stress that can hardly cause a herniated disc.
This knowledge is also the starting point from which the special strength training for back patients and for the prevention of back diseases was developed. The original concept of targeted muscle training of the deep back muscles originated in the USA. According to US statistics this training is very successful (Source: Welt am Sonntag from 01.07.02). In 32% of those treated, the chronic complaints decreased completely, in another 44% they became so minor that they no longer needed treatment.